Friday 26 January 2018


Everyone has cells, they are in every part of our bodies and do an amazing job of keeping us healthy.  However they only work properly if we feed them.

You might say you eat so why do we have to worry about feeding your cells surely what you eat feeds them.

That sort of is the case.  However it depends on what we eat.

What does your diet consist of?  
vitamins and minerals? 
Natural foods low fat and oils, salt and sugar?
limited carbs and high in good protein?
Water?  (lots of it)
high in fat hight in salt and sugar
high in carbs and low in protein (eg lots of red meat processed protein like ham, sausages etc)
soft drinks or sodas coke etc
little or no water

The later does not feed your cells in fact the opposite, it blocks the "villi"and the villi is what filters the food you eat and transfers the nutrients to the cells. no nutrients in the food, no food for the cells.

So you will say what has this to do with the MITOCHONDRIA.  The MITOCHONDRIA is the engine room of the cells, and needs feeding to keep your engine running, to keep you healthy and prevent illnesses such as auto immune illness and diet related health problems.

Good diet can reverse the MITOCHONDRIA DYSFUNCTION that causes you fatigue and other diet related problems.

Watch (copy and paste if the video below wont work)

Once you understand the importance of this particular cell and you would like to get more information please contact me  on

I am a Health coach and have been giving health coaching and fitness coaching to many people for 16 years and thoroughly recommend this product .

Please be aware this product is not a medicine or supplement and is not intended to diagnose to treat in any medical way whatsoever. However most people do report significant improvement by taking this food product

Doria Johnson
Health and fitness Coach

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