Tuesday 30 June 2015

Bone health for everyone

This is something we all need to know about. Everyone has bones, without them we would be like jelly wobbling around on a plate.

So how do we ensure we keep our bones healthy?
Answer:  We do exercise for our bones.

What sort of exercise you may ask?  Exercise for bones??????
Answer yes certain exercises with enhance the strength of your bones.

Exercises such as Walking, dancing, weight bearing exercises, tennis, hiking, running, climbing stairs. etc. All help to build healthy strong bones,

So what about our Diet?
Answer:  very important to have a healthy well balanced diet

A diet containing foods that are high in calcium. What foods are high in calcium
Dark leafy Greens such
as water cress or spinach,Kale. etc.
low fat cheese such as Mozerella, cottage cheese etc
low fat milk or yoghurt
Tofu plus some other soya products
Brocolli, Green snap beans

The important ingredient in healthy bones is calcium, So how do we know we get sufficient Calcium?
Answer:  Take a good suppliment

How do we know what is a good suppliment?
Answer :  Research.  I have done this for you

My recommendation is Herbalife's XtraCal.  Contains Vitamin D as a transporter (more on this in the next Blog.

Have a great Week see you next week with more info on Bone Health

Doria's Fitness & Wellness Centre

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