Friday 24 July 2015

The importance of Vitamin D for Depression

  Depression can be very debilitating and causes different symptoms in people.
The cause can be a lot of different things,

  • some medication (eg medication for Acne)
  • bullying (especially with school children)
  • drugs (illegal)
  • post natal  (in women this is common)
  • loss of a loved one
  • lack of some necessary vitamins and minerals Such as Serotonin
  • Winter blues (lack of sunlight)
The list goes on and on.  However sometimes it is simply a lack of vitamin D.
  1. Lack of concentration
  2. Continually tired decreased energy
  3. low self esteem, a feeling of worthlessness
  4.  Insomnia, restlessness
  5. persistent feelings of sadness
  6. talks of suicide
  7. In children, their grades decline and they make excuses not to go to school.
These are but a few of the symptons, but sometimes it is convincing the  person concerned to
recognise they have a problem, as it is difficult to convince some people to seek help, they feel it is not them but other people who have the problem.
The first thing you need to do if you feel you or a loved one is suffering from depression is to check if they are lacking in Vitamin D, 
Sometimes it is as simple as taking a vitamin D Tablet or getting outside and getting some sunlight. (don't put on sun screen for a while, let the sun do it's job, blocking out all the sunlight with sunblock is creating a lot of problems)  We do need a certain amount of sun rays to keep healthy.

However it is important that the person gets the right sort of help.  It is  a specialists ability and opinion on treatment that is necessary. 

If you have any doubts about the treatment ask for another opinion I personally have lived through depression with my Grandson.  The treatment I feel was unbelievably cruel, they kept him drugged for weeks to keep him quiet, it was heart breaking for his mother and for me.  He was not getting the right treatment for him.  Finally we found a doctor who had empathy for him and his predicament.

So hope this helps anyone who reads it.  There is a lot of information out there all you have to do is look.
Click on the links above   to get more info'

Happy days

Doria Johnson
Wellness and Fitness coach.

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