Tuesday 4 August 2015

Magnesium & it's benefits

Am I getting enough magnesium?
Research shows that Men older than 70 and teenage girls, are the most likely to have low Magnesium levels.

Question:  So how do we know if we have sufficient Magnesium?

Answer: In the short term there are no definite signs or symptons as the kidneys help retain magnesium by limiting the amount lost in the urine, but long time depletion leads to loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness, and in extreme cases, numbness, tingling, muscle cramps,and abnormal heart rhythm.

Question: what are the recommended doses?
Answer:        Teen boys 14 - 18 yrs                    410mg
                     Teen girls 14 - 18                          360mg

                     Men                                               400 - 420mg
                     Women                                          310 - 320mg
                     Pregnant teens                              400mgs
                     Prengnant women                         350 - 360mg
                     Breast feeding teens                     360 mgs
                    Breast feeding Women                  310 - 320mg

Question: What foods naturally contain Magnesium?
Answer:  legumes,nuts, seeds, whole grains, & green leafy veges                    Fotified  breakfast ceral and other fotified foods
               Milk, Yoghurt, and some other milk products.

Question: What types of people are susceptable to low magnesium
Answer: gastrointestinal diseases eg Crohns desease & Celiac 
              Type 2 Diabetics
              long term alcoholism
              Older people.

Magnesium can help prevent

  • High blood pressure & heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • osteoporosis
  • Migraine heaches
Magnesium is frequently included in Calcium Tablets together with vitamin D. An easy way to ensure that you are getting the right amount for bone health as this is a good combination taken daily according to the labels.

An excellent tablet to ensure complete bone health including your Vitamin D and magnesium is Herbalife XtraCal. Contains Calcium,. Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Manganese, Vitamin C, Glutamic Acid HCL

Doria's Fitness and Wellness Centre

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