Sunday 9 August 2015

Exercise benefits to W8 loss

When losing weight a lot of people think that just going to the Gym will lose their excess weight and constant exercise will do this for them.
Wrong.  Exercise is just one part of losing weight successfully and keeping it off.
Reducing calories and cutting out as much sugar in your diet together with plenty of colourful vegetables some carbs and "GOOD" protein, together with exercise is the answer.

I don't believe that exercise alone is a good way to lose weight in fact a\many people actually put on weight going to the gym.

This raises a few questions as to why?
Answer: building muscle is going to increase your weight as muscle weighs heavier than fat.

Question: So how can we gain muscle and lose fat?
Answer: by changing your diet.

Question: How can I do that and ensure that I gain healthy muscle & lose weight as well
Answer:  Your body needs good  Fat free protein preferably from Chicken, fish, & soy and some vegetables.  A good balanced high protein low fat diet as well as moderate exercise.

We are all made up of 100 Trillion cells and those cells are what control our health and wellness plus our energy.  These cells need 114 nutrients daily to stay healthy  and keep reproducing healthy cells.

Question: So how do we make sure that our cells are getting the right nutrients daily.?
Answer: We take suppliments plus a healhy eating diet . 

The average diet today consists of

  • Fatty foods
  • McDonalds
  • KFC
  • Bread & more bread & buns
  • Takeaways
  • Fries
  • Lollies and chocolates etc.
  • Soda's of any sort including energy drinks & Coke

This causes deficiency in our diet

  • protein
  • Vegetable protein
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • micro-nutrients
  • fibre
  • amino acids
  • complex carbs
  • Botanical factors
  • water
So you wonder why we are suffering from tiredness and obesity.  We are starving ourselves we are feeding ourselves what our stomach wants when we are hungry not what our cells need.
If you continually run your car without enough oil what would the outcome be? The engine would eventually fail. and this is what we are doing to our bodies.  We need to feed our cells what they need to make them healthy again.

The remedy is very simple.  Exercise and good a balanced diet

  •  Unless you want to be an athlete or a body builder exercise to get your heart rate up is excellent especially if you alternate the rate at which you exercise. Say, go fast for a few minutes then slow down then up it again. at least for 30mins at  time. try this link for exercise videos plenty to choose from for beginners to experiences fitness exercises.
  • some weight training to get all your muscles working, floor exercises are excellent like planking, press up's, crunches, squats, lunges.  These are all muscle building exercises.
Your diet and getting the right amount of nutrients.
  • The best way I know is to get some advice on what nutrients your body needs, 
  • don't guess and go and buy a whole pile of suppliments just because you think you may need them

You are probably saying to yourself, "This is too complicate" Relax Look at this chart

It is really so easy but to make it simpiler below is the way I did it
I lost 6 kgs the first week on the products and went on to lose 15kgs over a 90 day period.

I have found that the Herbalife nutrition programme takes the question mark out of the problem. Their Formula 1 is a meal replacement shake that is low in calories and fat and along wih their multivitamin tablet contains all the 114 nutients your cells need every day.  

The shake make with water is only 180 Calories 
and made with Soy milk 220 cals.Take 1 multivitamin 3 times a day and you have your cells receiving all they need daily.   How easy is that.
To lose weight replace 2 meals a day with 2 shakes a day and have healthy protein snacks in between and 1 healthy colourful meal a day and you will lose weight.

Hope you got some good information out of this.  If you want more info contact me  I work with people on line and face to face no matter where in the world you are. I am a qualified health and wellness coach.

Doria Johnson

Herbalife does not claim to prescribe or cure anything. However it stands to reason if you give your body what it wants your body will start to heal itself. Results may vary from person to person.

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