Wednesday 9 September 2015



There are many people out there who have absolutely no idea of what a healthy diet is, and there people out there who believe they are eating a good healthy diet, and others out there who don’t actually care, so long as they have something to eat when they are hungry, it does not matter much to them what they eat or drink, so long as their tummies are not rumbling with hunger.

So what should we be eating for good health as we approach old age?

Answer:  There are lots of ideas out there as what a healthy diet should consist of.  However the truth of the matter is that we need to feed our cells with 114 nutrients every day.
So what are these nutrients and how do we know that our food contains them?
Answer: Protein                     Fibre
        Vegetable protein           Amino Acids
        Vitamins                    Complex Carbohydrates
        Minerals                    Botanical factors
        Micro nutrients             Water 

Nearly all of those who say they are eating a healthy balanced diet would be hard pressed to ensure that all these nutrients are in our diets. In this day and age, where the soils are so depleted and most of our fruit and veges are sitting in a shop for days, the fruit is picked green before it has a chance to ripen naturally, there are so few nutrients in it.  If we tried to eat all those nutrients our body and cells require. we would need to eat a huge amount of food each day We could not possible eat it all each day.

So what happens when we don’t eat all the nutrients our bodies need?

sick cells
Answer: It does not happen over-night, but around the age of 30 you could start to fee lethargic, no energy, or get sick easily, and put on weight, also the beginnings of diabetes, or arthritis, or other ageing signs, like your skin or hair gets dull, we lose muscle mass. By the time we are in our 50’s or 60’s women in particular lose calcium from their bones & our cells are so depleted, we accept the aches and pains & increase in weight as “it’s Old age” or “middle age spread”

All of these ageing sickness’s or slowing down  may not be necessary if we get the right nutrients, even the onset of dementure could perhaps be a thing of the past if, from the get go we had the right nutrients in our diets. Even some forms of depression, can be prevented or helped,if our cells received the nutrients.  These signs are telling you your cells are dying or suffering from depletion.

So what can we do about it once it has happened?

Answer:  The depletion of nutrients can be reversed, and even the medical journals say that in this day and age everyone should be taking a good multi-vitamin tablet.  However this will not really address the problem if your diet is really bad and even in some cases, people who state or think they are eating well are just not getting the right nutrients or sufficient of the necessary nutrients to keep your cells healthy.

How can I find out what the 114 nutrients & the quantity of each that is necessary for healthy aging.

Answer: You could do the research yourself & go to a health shop & buy them all separately, you would end up taking a lot of tablets & it could be quite costly. Alternatively you could find a product that can guarantee that all these necessary nutrients are in one or two products, that are tested and clinically tested.

Is there a product out there that has this all worked out?

Answer: Herbalife, very simple natural products which have been around for 35 years, started off as a weight loss programme to help people lose weight safely.  Today they are recognised all round the world as the top weight loss programme, but also are the only product that can claim cellular nutrition.
2 of their products contain the 114 nutrients that feed our cells daily. Easy to take and very nutritious lovely flavours and give you plenty of energy. This means they in the right quantities for your body, No guessing on your part. Products are clinically tested and tested to pharmaceutical standards.

My Story

I suffer from an auto immune disease and was in hospital up to 3 times a week on oxygen, plus could not turn my head to back the car, or kneel on the floor, osteo-arthritis is part of the auto immune disease that I have.  I was told that I needed steroids, that they would help stay   the progression of the disease, but nothing could cure it.  I am not the sort of person that believes that steroids are the be all and end all to assist with healing, In my opinion they cause more problems than they actually cure.  I took my chances, and 13 years ago, by accident, I found a product that I did not take for my health, but to lose weight.
This changed my life, I have since discovered that this product contains all the 114 nutrients my body needed to help heal my cells, although at the time I did not realise it.  It was 5 months after I had started taking them, and after losing 15kgs in weight, that my Doctor asked me what I was doing different, I asked why? Was there something wrong?  His answer surprised me. “Don’t you realise you have not been in hospital for 5 months?” I thought about it, and yes that was true, and today 13 1/2 years later I have my problem under control, I have kept my weight off, I am now 82 years old, look about 60yrs and lead a very active life. I will never go off these products.

For more information on these amazing products and the Doctors associated with them. Contact me
Doria’s Fitness & Wellness centre

Herbalife does not claim to cure or prescribe , results will vary 

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