Tuesday 1 September 2015

Protein a necessity or a fad?


Without sufficient protein our body looks sloppy & we have insufficient lean muscle to give us strength & a healthy active body.  It reshapes you builds muscle & balances your diet.
So the answer is:  no it is not a fad, it is a necessity for a good healthy balanced diet.
Are YOU getting adequate protein in your diet, and why is it so  necessary?
In this article I hope to answer some of the questions about protein and it’s benefits in our daily diet.

First of all WHAT IS PROTEIN?
Answer: any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies (Wikipedia’s brief description)

So why do we need protein? 
Answer: Most of us tend to look unfit and out of shape due to high fat and less lean body mass. This is mainly caused thru many of us consuming a “fast food diet” which in this day and age is what a huge number of us live on these days.
So where do we find protein?
Answer: In food eg

  • Quinoa
  • Eggs whites
  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean beef
  • Chicken breast without skin
  • Turkey
  • Ocean fish, prawns, crab, lobster, Tuna. Scallops
  • Soya beans
  • Tofu

This is to name a few there are also some vegetables like broccoli and mushrooms

What does protein do for our bodies
Answer: several things. 
Protein builds good lean muscle and good lean muscle helps to burn fat.
        balances the body in Type 2 Diabetics and helps to reduce their medication

Protein stops hunger
Provides building blocks for hormones and neurotransmitteral
Contains some of the necessary elements for the body to constantly renew itself

How much protein does the average person need?
Answer:  Women need around 125grams per day 
       Men need around 150grams per day
However if you are body building or exercising seriously and an elite athlete the amount increases

So Can I buy a protein supplement?
Answer:  There are many suppliments out there but take care and read labels.  Many of the cheaper supplements contain fillers and many can have side effects. It usually comes in the form of a powder that you mix with water and drink.  Some weightloss diets are high protein diets such as protein shakes or meal replacements.

All food has protein: beans, peas, nuts, seeds and whole grains are high in protein
High quality protein is usually made from soya bean and Whey, LSA (linseed,sunflower seeds & Almonds crushed).  Whey can be a problem with people who are allergic or cannot tolerate dairy products.

Recommended protein product
Answer: Herbalife personal protein powder they recommend to go with their high protein nutrition programme.
Herbalife will also be able to tell you exactly how much protein you will require for your needs, it is useful to help stop you from feeling hungry, it builds muscle, you can add it to your meal replacement shake or replace some of the flour in your baking with it, you can add it to soup. Just some of the things you can do with this can of Personalized protein powder. It is made with Soy and has no taste.  

For the althlete or the body builder 24Fit muscle recovery is a combination of Soy and Whey protein.

 The Whey has been pre-digested so that those with a problem with Dairy can use it without fear of any side effects. This a delicious chocolate flavoured in drink. which is used by some of the top athletes the world, and approved by the Olympic association.

I hope this information has been helpful and shows that protein is definitely not a "Fad" but an essential part of everyone's diet.  We need good protein to keep our muscles from declining as we get older.  Our heart is our biggest muscle and if we do not keep the protein in our diet our heart will suffer as will our strength.

So the morale of this is to get protein in our bodies and make sure we keep up a moderate amount of exercise, follow a balanced diet including protein (good healthy protein) and you should reach old age without too many health problems.
for more info and advice please feel free to contact me. I am available from most places around the world.
Doria's Fitness and Wellness centre
Herbalife does not claim to cure or prescribe , results will vary 

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