Friday 26 January 2018


Everyone has cells, they are in every part of our bodies and do an amazing job of keeping us healthy.  However they only work properly if we feed them.

You might say you eat so why do we have to worry about feeding your cells surely what you eat feeds them.

That sort of is the case.  However it depends on what we eat.

What does your diet consist of?  
vitamins and minerals? 
Natural foods low fat and oils, salt and sugar?
limited carbs and high in good protein?
Water?  (lots of it)
high in fat hight in salt and sugar
high in carbs and low in protein (eg lots of red meat processed protein like ham, sausages etc)
soft drinks or sodas coke etc
little or no water

The later does not feed your cells in fact the opposite, it blocks the "villi"and the villi is what filters the food you eat and transfers the nutrients to the cells. no nutrients in the food, no food for the cells.

So you will say what has this to do with the MITOCHONDRIA.  The MITOCHONDRIA is the engine room of the cells, and needs feeding to keep your engine running, to keep you healthy and prevent illnesses such as auto immune illness and diet related health problems.

Good diet can reverse the MITOCHONDRIA DYSFUNCTION that causes you fatigue and other diet related problems.

Watch (copy and paste if the video below wont work)

Once you understand the importance of this particular cell and you would like to get more information please contact me  on

I am a Health coach and have been giving health coaching and fitness coaching to many people for 16 years and thoroughly recommend this product .

Please be aware this product is not a medicine or supplement and is not intended to diagnose to treat in any medical way whatsoever. However most people do report significant improvement by taking this food product

Doria Johnson
Health and fitness Coach

Wednesday 24 January 2018

What is Mitochondria Dysfunture?

What is the reason so many people are suffering from continual fatigue, constant colds, and silly illness's that make us feel yuk when we least need to be?  What causes of many auto immune problems and premature aging and many many more health problems.?

Let me introduce you to your MITOCHONDRIA.  

The MITOCHONDRIA is responsible for many of these problems.  So what is the MITOCHONDRIA?

Looking it up onWikipedia the explanation is pretty simple, as follows"Mitochondrial diseases are a group of disorders caused by dysfunctional mitochondria, 
the organelles that generate energy for the cell. 
Mitochondria are found in every cell of the human body except red blood cells,
and convert the energy of food molecules into the ATP that powers most cell 

According to the "" MITOCHONDRIA dysfunction can be the cause of all the of the following as quoted in this research. 

"Mitochondrial Diseases Signs And Diagnosis | Cleveland Clinic
Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs when the mitochondria do not work as well as 
they should due to another disease or condition. 
Many conditions can lead to secondary mitochondrial dysfunction including autism, 
Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig's disease, 
diabetes, and cancer."


The MITOCHONDRIA needs to be fed certain vitamins and minerals on a daily basis to prevent the MITOCHONDRIA from dysfunction.  

We can all go down the path and and try to mimic what is needed to feed these very important cells.

Herbalife doctors actually came up with the answer in a book by Dr, Louis Ignarro, called "Health is Wealth".  The answer is 114 nutrients.  

HOW TO get these nutrients without having to eat buckets loads of food that, in this day and age are not reliable to contain the nutrients that used to be available in days gone by.

Herbalife can provide these necessary ingredients in their F1 and their Multi vitamin

This product is not a medicine or supplement and is not intended to diagnose or treat in any medical way whatsoever. However, mot people do report significant improvement by taking this product.

To contact me re the above product or other products for other health problems 
please contact me by 

For more information on the Mitochondria there is a website 
that will give you easy to understand information

I am available for advice on any health or wellness or fitness programme
please feel free to 
email me.  
Doria V Johnson

Monday 14 September 2015


To the average person the word DIET means losing weight for a special occasion or changing your eating habits because you have been told by your health professional that you need to.

The Dictionary explanation of the word says, could be related to your food, a selection of food and drink, provisions, nutrients, sustenance.  Eat sparingly, abstain, reduce, watch one’s weight etc.
It is interesting to note that it does not mention a lifestyle change, and it indicates that a diet is really just about food.  What food we eat is either a good diet or a bad diet.

In this day and age where obesity is prevalent, the word diet has become a “Fad” word, bandied about as fashionable to either be on a diet or not. It’s a bit like going to the Gym, but unless you change your eating habits going to the Gym will make you fitter but not make your internal body healthy.

A lot of us look at the different types of diet, and don’t look at the science behind them, or whether there is any actual basis for a particular diet.  They choose on the basis of whether it is easy or fast, or suits their lifestyle.

I believe that when you choose to go on a diet, there are questions you need to ask yourself.
1                     Why am I doing this?
2                     Are my current eating habits good, bad, or need tweeking
3                     What do I want to achieve by going on a diet
4                     Is this going to be a life-changing experience
5                     Is my head in the right space to do this.

Most of us need to change our eating habits, but we only think about as a short term exercise for just for a week or a month, so that we can fit into a specific dress,
or an event we need to look good for.  When you do this you will do this diet for the length of time that is in your mind.

The result of this will be, that when you have achieved your goal you will go back to your old eating habits and you will wonder why in a couple of months you have put back double the weight that you took off.

Why? Because your body is made that way.  When you are eating the wrong foods you are putting on weight because they are not what your body needs. So next time you are going to an event your go through the same process again, and again. End result your body starts to revolt and you give up, and you remain sick and lack energy and your excuse is diets don’t work. 

You are right they don’t work, because you do not think beyond the event, but as a temporary goal. Your mindset must be for long term not short term.  Changing your eating habits is not easy, & unless you have the mindset right you will not keep it up.  Don’t do drastic, do slowly. Set little goals and work up to your whole life goal

We eat because we feel we are hungry, and we eat what satisfies our hunger not what our cells need to reproduce healthy cells. 
We are not eating the foods that actually stop us from eating too much, and we are literally starving our bodies and our cells. 

Hunger generally is our body crying out for food that will give us the nutrition our cells need.
The answer to all our eating problems is NUTRITION. 
COMPLETE NUTRITION to feed our cells what they need.  You cannot get this from eating food alone.

Today the food we eat is lacking in all the vitamins and minerals because of many things.  An article I read about food written by James Russell says & I quote
  " Scientists studying 50year old US Department of Agriculture data made a discovery. Comparing the levels of vitamin and minerals in 43 different vegetables and fruits, to those they were eating in 1999, they found significant decreases in the amount of protein,   calcium, phosphorous, iron, and riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C."

This is basically caused through efforts to breed crops that grow more quickly, and bigger, and are pest resistant and adapt to climate change. This unfortunately, together with the reduction in minerals in the soil, has caused the problem.  The plants now lack the ability to uptake nutrients due to their rapid growth. However this answers only part of the many other reasons why our food is lacking in nutrients.
All around the world, there are deficiencies in our food, but in particular where I live in NewZealand the most common deficiencies are:
                                                Vitamin D
                                                Omega 3     

In New Zealand and Australia we do not have Selenium in our soils, so we should be taking this as a given, along with other nutrients, to top up the lack of what we get in our food.
So when you are advised by your Doctor or Health professional, to lose some weight or eat a better diet.  Look closely at your eating habits. 
Look carefully for a Diet that has some science behind it, not just a change of food. Do not treat this as a short term thing, if you want to improve your health, this is a lifetime change, or a journey that will improve your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hyppcrates

For help and advice or support please feel free to contact me.

Doria’s Fitness & Wellness Centre

Wednesday 9 September 2015



There are many people out there who have absolutely no idea of what a healthy diet is, and there people out there who believe they are eating a good healthy diet, and others out there who don’t actually care, so long as they have something to eat when they are hungry, it does not matter much to them what they eat or drink, so long as their tummies are not rumbling with hunger.

So what should we be eating for good health as we approach old age?

Answer:  There are lots of ideas out there as what a healthy diet should consist of.  However the truth of the matter is that we need to feed our cells with 114 nutrients every day.
So what are these nutrients and how do we know that our food contains them?
Answer: Protein                     Fibre
        Vegetable protein           Amino Acids
        Vitamins                    Complex Carbohydrates
        Minerals                    Botanical factors
        Micro nutrients             Water 

Nearly all of those who say they are eating a healthy balanced diet would be hard pressed to ensure that all these nutrients are in our diets. In this day and age, where the soils are so depleted and most of our fruit and veges are sitting in a shop for days, the fruit is picked green before it has a chance to ripen naturally, there are so few nutrients in it.  If we tried to eat all those nutrients our body and cells require. we would need to eat a huge amount of food each day We could not possible eat it all each day.

So what happens when we don’t eat all the nutrients our bodies need?

sick cells
Answer: It does not happen over-night, but around the age of 30 you could start to fee lethargic, no energy, or get sick easily, and put on weight, also the beginnings of diabetes, or arthritis, or other ageing signs, like your skin or hair gets dull, we lose muscle mass. By the time we are in our 50’s or 60’s women in particular lose calcium from their bones & our cells are so depleted, we accept the aches and pains & increase in weight as “it’s Old age” or “middle age spread”

All of these ageing sickness’s or slowing down  may not be necessary if we get the right nutrients, even the onset of dementure could perhaps be a thing of the past if, from the get go we had the right nutrients in our diets. Even some forms of depression, can be prevented or helped,if our cells received the nutrients.  These signs are telling you your cells are dying or suffering from depletion.

So what can we do about it once it has happened?

Answer:  The depletion of nutrients can be reversed, and even the medical journals say that in this day and age everyone should be taking a good multi-vitamin tablet.  However this will not really address the problem if your diet is really bad and even in some cases, people who state or think they are eating well are just not getting the right nutrients or sufficient of the necessary nutrients to keep your cells healthy.

How can I find out what the 114 nutrients & the quantity of each that is necessary for healthy aging.

Answer: You could do the research yourself & go to a health shop & buy them all separately, you would end up taking a lot of tablets & it could be quite costly. Alternatively you could find a product that can guarantee that all these necessary nutrients are in one or two products, that are tested and clinically tested.

Is there a product out there that has this all worked out?

Answer: Herbalife, very simple natural products which have been around for 35 years, started off as a weight loss programme to help people lose weight safely.  Today they are recognised all round the world as the top weight loss programme, but also are the only product that can claim cellular nutrition.
2 of their products contain the 114 nutrients that feed our cells daily. Easy to take and very nutritious lovely flavours and give you plenty of energy. This means they in the right quantities for your body, No guessing on your part. Products are clinically tested and tested to pharmaceutical standards.

My Story

I suffer from an auto immune disease and was in hospital up to 3 times a week on oxygen, plus could not turn my head to back the car, or kneel on the floor, osteo-arthritis is part of the auto immune disease that I have.  I was told that I needed steroids, that they would help stay   the progression of the disease, but nothing could cure it.  I am not the sort of person that believes that steroids are the be all and end all to assist with healing, In my opinion they cause more problems than they actually cure.  I took my chances, and 13 years ago, by accident, I found a product that I did not take for my health, but to lose weight.
This changed my life, I have since discovered that this product contains all the 114 nutrients my body needed to help heal my cells, although at the time I did not realise it.  It was 5 months after I had started taking them, and after losing 15kgs in weight, that my Doctor asked me what I was doing different, I asked why? Was there something wrong?  His answer surprised me. “Don’t you realise you have not been in hospital for 5 months?” I thought about it, and yes that was true, and today 13 1/2 years later I have my problem under control, I have kept my weight off, I am now 82 years old, look about 60yrs and lead a very active life. I will never go off these products.

For more information on these amazing products and the Doctors associated with them. Contact me
Doria’s Fitness & Wellness centre

Herbalife does not claim to cure or prescribe , results will vary 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Protein a necessity or a fad?


Without sufficient protein our body looks sloppy & we have insufficient lean muscle to give us strength & a healthy active body.  It reshapes you builds muscle & balances your diet.
So the answer is:  no it is not a fad, it is a necessity for a good healthy balanced diet.
Are YOU getting adequate protein in your diet, and why is it so  necessary?
In this article I hope to answer some of the questions about protein and it’s benefits in our daily diet.

First of all WHAT IS PROTEIN?
Answer: any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies (Wikipedia’s brief description)

So why do we need protein? 
Answer: Most of us tend to look unfit and out of shape due to high fat and less lean body mass. This is mainly caused thru many of us consuming a “fast food diet” which in this day and age is what a huge number of us live on these days.
So where do we find protein?
Answer: In food eg

  • Quinoa
  • Eggs whites
  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean beef
  • Chicken breast without skin
  • Turkey
  • Ocean fish, prawns, crab, lobster, Tuna. Scallops
  • Soya beans
  • Tofu

This is to name a few there are also some vegetables like broccoli and mushrooms

What does protein do for our bodies
Answer: several things. 
Protein builds good lean muscle and good lean muscle helps to burn fat.
        balances the body in Type 2 Diabetics and helps to reduce their medication

Protein stops hunger
Provides building blocks for hormones and neurotransmitteral
Contains some of the necessary elements for the body to constantly renew itself

How much protein does the average person need?
Answer:  Women need around 125grams per day 
       Men need around 150grams per day
However if you are body building or exercising seriously and an elite athlete the amount increases

So Can I buy a protein supplement?
Answer:  There are many suppliments out there but take care and read labels.  Many of the cheaper supplements contain fillers and many can have side effects. It usually comes in the form of a powder that you mix with water and drink.  Some weightloss diets are high protein diets such as protein shakes or meal replacements.

All food has protein: beans, peas, nuts, seeds and whole grains are high in protein
High quality protein is usually made from soya bean and Whey, LSA (linseed,sunflower seeds & Almonds crushed).  Whey can be a problem with people who are allergic or cannot tolerate dairy products.

Recommended protein product
Answer: Herbalife personal protein powder they recommend to go with their high protein nutrition programme.
Herbalife will also be able to tell you exactly how much protein you will require for your needs, it is useful to help stop you from feeling hungry, it builds muscle, you can add it to your meal replacement shake or replace some of the flour in your baking with it, you can add it to soup. Just some of the things you can do with this can of Personalized protein powder. It is made with Soy and has no taste.  

For the althlete or the body builder 24Fit muscle recovery is a combination of Soy and Whey protein.

 The Whey has been pre-digested so that those with a problem with Dairy can use it without fear of any side effects. This a delicious chocolate flavoured in drink. which is used by some of the top athletes the world, and approved by the Olympic association.

I hope this information has been helpful and shows that protein is definitely not a "Fad" but an essential part of everyone's diet.  We need good protein to keep our muscles from declining as we get older.  Our heart is our biggest muscle and if we do not keep the protein in our diet our heart will suffer as will our strength.

So the morale of this is to get protein in our bodies and make sure we keep up a moderate amount of exercise, follow a balanced diet including protein (good healthy protein) and you should reach old age without too many health problems.
for more info and advice please feel free to contact me. I am available from most places around the world.
Doria's Fitness and Wellness centre
Herbalife does not claim to cure or prescribe , results will vary 

Thursday 13 August 2015

Health W8loss, anti-aging, & pain relief: Arthritis Pain and relief

Health W8loss, anti-aging, & pain relief: Arthritis Pain and relief: Have you got arthritis or know of people or close ones who have one of the many types of arthritis. The most ...

Arthritis Pain and relief

Have you got arthritis or know of people or close ones who have one of the many types of arthritis.
The most common are Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteo Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis 

I could go on and list so many types and I would think that most people would know someone with at least one type or other in the list.

Treatment basically will be different for each type but the pain associated with it would be similar. We seem to relate all arthritis as something you get when you get old, but this is not the case, there are many children who get this dreadful disease as young as 2 and 3 years old.

You will note that Inflammation in the body is a great problem and is often aggravated by the food we eat.

When you have arthritis your body is in an inflammatory state and it is essential that you eat foods that will reduce inflammation. Some foods can even make matters worse by bringing on other health problems like diabetes and heart disease, such as:


White flour products (breads, rolls, crackers) white rice, white potatoes (instant mashed potatoes, or french fries) and many cereals are refined carbohydrates.

According to Scientific American, processed carbohydrates may trump fats as the main driver of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic conditions. 

These high-glycemic index foods fuel the production of advanced glycation end (AGE) products that stimulate inflammation.

Several studies have shown that saturated fats trigger adipose, or fat tissue inflammation, which is not only an indicator for heart disease but it also

worsens arthritis inflammation. Pizza and cheese are the biggest sources of saturated fats in the average American diet, according to the National Cancer Institute. Other culprits include meat products (especially red meat), full-fat dairy products, pasta dishes and grain-based desserts.

Trying to go sugar-free? Aspartame is a non-nutritive, intense artificial sweetener found in more than 4,000 products worldwide. It is a neurotoxin,

which means it affects the brain. If you are sensitive to this chemical, your immune system will react to the “foreign substance” by attacking the chemical, which in return, will trigger an inflammatory response

These are just a few ideas to keep you free of inflammation and help prevent the pain and swelling associated with all arthritis sufferers.

Eating a healthy diet high in omega 3 which means plenty of fish, in particular Salmon, less red meat and low in dairy.

Another tip to remember is that all medications are chemical and affect the liver and kidneys.  Natural is the way to go.  If you can find a natural remedy for your pain then try that leaving the chemicals as long as you can.
Fish is a great form of omega 3 and is recommended as the best form of protein however shell fish 
is not recommended for people who are prone to GOUT.
It is actually only fairly recently
Image result for free images of shell fish that I realised that this form of gout is common in Pacific Islanders and that it is not just formed in the foot or big toe but can attack any joint in the body. I had a friend who had it in the elbow. Very painful.  So if you are prone to gout please do not have shell fish which are high in iron and can trigger of the gout very quickly.


A very important part of treatment.  I don't mean running or jogging, but general stretching and walking as fast as suits you.  If you have gotten to the stage where you are unable to exercise walking or bending try chair exercises or standing holding a chair to exercise if your balance is not good.  

I personally have a form of arthritis call Scleroderma which is in fact far more complicated and has many many side effects, that since I have  been on the Herbalife products have made life almost normal for me.
My arthritis is under control and no pain most of the time. Not cured but oh! such much easier to live with.

Herbalife products are natural no chemicals just food in another form and whilst they don't claim to cure they certainly improved my lifestyle.  I even take fit clasess now and the doctors seem to think I am a miracle.  It is no magic potion just good nutrition.

I have many clients who have been so impressed with my results they are on our products as well and getting good results.  So if you would like my recipe please feel free to contact me and enjoy better health and mobility.

Hope you find this article helpful
Doria's Fitness and Wellness Centre